My Hiking Gear Top 3!
Most hikers can talk about gear for a really long time and it's no wonder why. Good gear can be the difference between a cold sleepless night and a solid night's rest. It can be the difference between being able to charge your phone in the middle of nowhere and carrying around a dead iPhone in the middle of the woods. So today I want to share 3 of my favorite pieces of gear that have made my adventures so much better! I will mention brands but please know that I am not paid by any of them. I just like to share when I think I've found a good thing.
1. A Sun Hoodie
I am convinced that the hike where a good sun hoodie is not essential doesn't exist. The one I'm wearing is REI's brand. It is lightweight so it can be worn in hot weather without causing discomfort. Obviously it can also be layered with other shirts or jackets if you're in a colder climate. The sleeves have thumb holes so the part of your hand/wrist that is most exposed to the sun when using trekking poles is covered. Remember also that if you are at significant elevation and taking Diamox, your skin may become even more sensitive to the sun than usual. Being covered can also help prevent mosquito bites. And in the event that you don't have easy access to a hat, you can put up the hood to protect your scalp from getting burned.
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Reaching out to a llama in my sun hoodie |
2. A Good Hat!
But, ideally, you want to pair that sun hoodie with a proper hat. I absolutely love mine from Sunday Afternoons. It blocks the sun's ray, protects the back of your neck and keeps the rain out of your face. It cinches snugly so that strong mountain winds won't blow it away. It comes in a lovely lilac color that I could never find in stock, but on the bright side, this slate gray one I went with does match everything. I know the classic floppy style hiking hat is not the sleekest look but its function is so important, I am rarely without mine. And it folds up easily (and is lightweight!) so fitting in your pack is no problem.
My hat keeping me dry in the rain |
3. A Warm Sleeping Bag (with liner)
I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I formed an emotional attachment to my sleeping bag in the Himalayas. A sleeping bag that will keep you warm is freezing temperatures can be very expensive. But I found the Mountain Hardware Bishop Pass mummy style sleeping bag for half the price of some others. It is rated for comfort thru 0 degrees farenheit. For a little extra cozyness, I added the Sea to Summit Reactor Extreme liner. The liner adds more warmth to your bag for minimal cost. I was honestly very comfortable in the cocoon of my sleeping bag even when the rooms were cold enough to freeze some of the other hikers' water bottles!
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My sleeping bag set up on the bed in a tea house |
What are your favorite pieces of gear? And do you also develop an attachment to them? So many adventures would be impossible or just unenjoyable without the right equipment. It is the transformative power of these objects that make them so special.
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